Boat Passenger Comment Card #2

Part of my job up here in Seward, Alaska, involves entering the feedback we receive from hundreds of comment cards that are returned to us by passengers after they have taken our boat tours. These are some of their least feasible suggestions. 

Comment Card
June 21st, 2013
Anonymous, Florida USA

What can we do to improve the tour?

Let otters run around on the boat

Dear Anonymous of Florida,
WTF are you talking about? If we put a few wild otters inside the boat they would likely gnaw you to death in a panicked rage before you could locate the exit. No.
We thank you for your feedback.


  1. I disagree with your negative approach to this comment. I think that you should collect all the people who gave this response and put them, preferably sprinkled with a deodorant of fresh fish, on a boat with a load of wild otters, set them adrift and recover the boat in about 2 days. Then not too long from now we will have a planet inhabited by intelligent beings.


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